Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones is a partnership youth work project that supports young people aged 10-18 in the Scottish Borders, with the aim of improving their emotional health and wellbeing, and life chances.
Our Stepping Stones Project Worker, Nicole Hume, supports each young person based on their personal needs, helping them to achieve their full potential and to develop skills through non-formal education activities within a universal youth work setting.
Project Workers support young people by offering:
· Focused one-to-one support
· Targeted small group sessions and activities
· Joint activities with other youth groups in the Scottish Borders
· Training and volunteering opportunities
· Youth Achievement Awards
Stepping Stones is not time-limited, allowing each young person to engage in conversation and activities which interest them, for as long as they need. We can provide additional focused support time with individual young people in addition to their participation in universal youth work activities. This additional focus includes setting and reviewing personal goals with the young person.
Who Takes Part?
Young people take part in this project if they need support on topics such as emotional heath, wellbeing, confidence, transition, anxiety, life-skills, bullying and relationships.
Young people who are part of Stepping Stones:
Have an increased ability to express their point of view with other people.
Know where to go to access trusted information to help make informed choices.
Can use their skills and experience to better cope with life’s challenges.
Say their confidence has increased.
Consider the potential risks before making choices about where to go and what to do.
Feedback from Stepping Stones young people
· "This project gave me hope. [Project Worker] believed in me, always. We all need a cheerleader at times to remind us we are worthy and capable".
· “I feel like we’ve changed my life together”.
· "I like being a part of Stepping Stones as its really good to talk to someone that talks to me like a human and not like I am stupid. You are always there to support me and I know I can always count on you".
· "It helped so much that you just listen without judgement”.
· "This project helped improve so many different parts of my life – relationship with my family, recognising toxic relationships. understanding my health and mental health better, accepting help, CV writing and interview skills, finding a job I really wanted".
How Can a Young Person Get Involved?  
Stepping Stones works alongside schools, social work, and other youth and community-based organisations to ensure support is focused on those who need it most. Young people can self-refer by contacting our Stepping Stones Project Worker, Nicole, or can be introduced to Stepping Stones by a trusted adult (teacher, nurse, parent etc.). If a young person is under 16, a parent or legal guardian will be asked to complete a registration form which they will receive from their Project Worker. All young people are welcome to attend our drop-in youth club sessions and they can ask any member of our staff or volunteer team about Stepping Stones.
Our Forms
Please return to:
Nicole Hume
Beyond Earlston - Stepping Stones Project Worker
Room 110, Earlston High School, East End, Earlston TD4 6JP
01896 849282 Ext 7289 Mob 07720965761
Download the forms below to get more information on the Stepping Stones project ​
Working in their local communities, each partner organisation will work with young people based on their needs, using one-to-one support and targeted group sessions, as well as youth group drop-ins and activities.
Initial work on the project began in September 2018 and it is hoped that over 400 young people aged between 10 and 18 years will engage in Stepping Stones over the next three years.
The project will also support training, networking and cross-Border activities and be brought together with joint evaluation to add value and impact. Volunteers of all ages will support the project and will be crucial to its ongoing success.